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Michigan Government Management Information Sciences
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2018 Annual Fall Conference

Whack a Mole

Lakeview Conference CenterSummit Village (Shanty Creek)

September 9-12, 2018

5780 Shanty Creek Rd.

Bellaire, MI  49615

Access Interactive, VMWare, and Government Customers Working Together - Stories about Benefits, Experiences and Collaboration
Approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
Bits, Bytes, Coverage, and Claims
Broadband for Rural Michigan
Continuing Michigan's Reinvention
Could Your Data Center be Breached?
Dell Technology Advantage
GIS as a Community Engagement Tool
Helpdesk & Imaging & Escalation, Oh My!
How Many IT People Does it Take to Screw in a Light Bulb? Understanding the Skills Necessary for IT Success
If It's Not One Thing, It's Another - Managing Your Way Through the World of Compliance
Jedi Mind Tricks for Improving Your Information Security Culture
Mapping the Trends and Future of CyberSecurity
Michigan CISO as a Service - Update
MI Supreme Court - JIS Project Update
Paper-LESS Efficiencies Gained
Preventing Project Failure in Government
SDx Solutions Explored
Securely Sharing Data in an Insecure World
Should Your Office be in the Cloud?
Technical Services - PACC/PAAM NextGen Project

P.O. Box 772
Howell, MI  48844

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